آزمون تعيين سطح

موسسه بين المللي اجوكاتك

ایجاد شده در توسط nmoslehi

Placement Test

آزمون تعيين سطح

1 / 80


Choose the answer that you think is correct:

1. This man has dark .......................

2 / 80

2. and a .................................

3 / 80

3. He is ................................... a jacket

4 / 80

4. and he is .................................. a piece of paper.

5 / 80

5. He is sitting at his ..................................

6 / 80

6. - perhaps he is .....................................

7 / 80

7. You arrive at a party at 8 p.m. What do you say?

8 / 80

8. Someone offers you a drink. You don’t want it. What do you say?

9 / 80

9. Henderson ................................. going to work.

10 / 80

10. ................................. early in the morning?

11 / 80

11. He ..................................... to drive a car.

12 / 80

12. A train is .................................. a bus.

13 / 80

13. He ....................................... swim very well.

14 / 80

14. ....................................... the bus to work.

15 / 80

15. Peter works in London. ..................................................................

16 / 80

16. ........................................................ TV last night?

17 / 80

17. I spoke slowly, but he .................................. understand me.

18 / 80

18. He made ............................................ last year.

19 / 80

19. I asked him ..........................................

20 / 80

20. He used to live .......................... London.

21 / 80

21. James ............................... to him on the phone.

22 / 80

22. “ Quiet, please – I ........................................................”

23 / 80

23. I won’t go to Cambridge if it ....................................... tomorrow.

24 / 80

24. While he .................................. to London he saw an accident.

25 / 80

25. Millions of cigarettes ............................................ every year.

26 / 80

26. He has a ................................ experience in marketing in Europe.

27 / 80

27. I remember ............................. him in London.

28 / 80

28. But I saw him in Frankfurt ........................................

29 / 80

29. Could you look ............... the blackboard and read what is on it?

30 / 80

30. Smith went abroad last year. ............................................. abroad before.

31 / 80

31. The last Olympic Games ..................................... in Athens.

32 / 80

32. He took ......................... cheese.

33 / 80

33. The committee held a ................................ last week.

34 / 80

34. I ............................. the Prime Minister’s speech very carefully.

35 / 80

35. He would have known that, if he .................................... the meeting.

36 / 80

36. Would you mind ............................ the door?

37 / 80

37. In August he ..................................... for us for 25 years.

38 / 80

38. .................................................. since I came back to the office?

39 / 80

39. He speaks English very well ....................... he’s only 12.

40 / 80

40. “Don’t do that,” I said.  I ................................. him not to do that.

41 / 80

41. He never takes risks. He’s a very ................................. man.

42 / 80

42. I’d like to put ............................. a suggestion, if I may.

43 / 80

43. I .................................. this test for at least half an hour now.

44 / 80

44. I’ll speak to him when he .................................... .

45 / 80

45. “Can you come tomorrow?” He asked ........................................... tomorrow.

46 / 80

46. He hasn’t come again today. If he doesn’t come, ............................... what to do tomorrow.

47 / 80

CONVERSATION (questions 47 – 64):

Mr and Mrs Wallace want to buy a house, so they go to the office of an estate agent.

Agent: Good morning. Mr and Mrs Wallace?

Mrs Wallace: Mr Hogan?

Agent: How do you do.

Mrs Wallace: I spoke to you on the phone. 47. .................... is my husband.

Mr Wallace: How do you do.

48 / 80

Agent: How do you do. 48. ............................. sit down.

(They all sit down at a desk.)

49 / 80

49. Agent: I understand from our telephone conversation that you’re ....................................

50 / 80

50. in buying a property for about £85,000, is that .............................. ?

51 / 80

51. Mrs Wallace: No. Well the price is right, but – er – well, we .................... a problem.

We’ve been living abroad for the last ten years -

52 / 80

52. Mr Wallace: Longer ................. that.

53 / 80

53. Mrs Wallace: Yes, I suppose it is – and we want to settle back here ............................

54 / 80

54. we have very different ideas of the ......................... of place we’d like to live in.

55 / 80

55. Mr Wallace: Yes, you see ...................... prefer to live in town, in a centrally located flat.

56 / 80

56. Wallace: And I am really keen to live in ................ country.

57 / 80

57. I want a big garden. I want a new view. I want to be .................. to go for walks.

I want to go back to work – that is, to get back into teaching.

58 / 80

58. Mr Wallace: Well, I’m sure you ................... teach in London, in town, just as easily.

59 / 80

59. Mrs Wallace: Yes, ................... I think the chances of

60 / 80

60. getting a job .......................... probably much greater in a village school

61 / 80

61. and I ................... like to be part of the community again, darling.

62 / 80

62. Mr Wallace: And I want to live in a flat .................... maintenance included.

63 / 80

63. You know – you pay for all the ................. I mean, I’m not a do-it-yourself man.

64 / 80

64.I don’t like to mend leaky ......................... , and that sort of thing.

65 / 80

AT A HOTEL (question 65 – 80)

Mr Graham has just checked into a hotel, but he is not happy with his room. He goes down to the reception desk.

65. Mr Graham: I’m ................... there’s been a mistake. My room doesn’t have a bath.

66 / 80

66. Hotel Clerk: Well, I think your room is correct, sir. Room 118 ..................... ?

67 / 80

67. Mr Graham: ............................., could I have a bath, please?

68 / 80

68. Hotel Clerk: Er – I’m afraid we don’t ................. a room with a bath and –

69 / 80

69. Mr Graham: Look, I’m very tired. I don’t want to ................... but my firm always book a room with a bath.

70 / 80

70. Hotel Clerk: Er – I’ll check the .......................

71 / 80

71. but I don’t think you were ...................... into a room with a bath.

There we are, it is Mr Graham, isn’t it?

Mr Graham: It is, yes.

The clerk shows Mr Graham a letter.

72 / 80

72. Hotel Clerk: Yes, one ..................... room.

73 / 80

73. Mr Graham: I’ll see them when I get back. Well, I .................. that it’s our mistake,

74 / 80

74.but are you sure there’s ......................... with a bath?

Hotel Clerk: Well,

75 / 80

75. Mr Graham: I’ve just flown a very long .................... and I’m very tired and all I want is a bath and a sleep.

76 / 80

76. Hotel Clerk: Well, as I’ve said, sir, there’s ...................... nothing for tonight.

But let’s see. You’re here for five days, aren’t you?

Mr Graham: Oh dear!

77 / 80

77. Hotel Clerk: I’ll just have a .................. with the manager.

78 / 80

78. Mr Graham: I would ......................... it.

79 / 80

79. I’m ................................. to have a long hot bath!

80 / 80

80. Hotel Clerk: Don’t worry, sir! ............................ it with me.

امتیاز شما

میانگین امتیازها 57%
